Imagine anywhere you go, you will have access to the internet with the least effort possible. You will be able to see a transparent screen that works as a wireless computer mounted directly on your eye. Apparently this is possible according to Babak Parviz from the University of Washington. Babak Parviz is already in the process of making the smart cantact lens and says it can be done. So far they have only managed to get one pixel onto the lens. This is a breakthrough because this is proof that it is possible to have a circit small enough to fit on a contact lens.
A wireless contact lens that lets u access the internet will change everyones lifes. Once again somthing thought to be impossible has been made possible and has opened up a new world into technology. A smart contact lens will be available for us around 2045 and we will be able to upload our brains by 2040 Don't get me wrong It is a very long time to wait but we are very lucky because we might even live to use it.
Are we entering the cyborg revolution? One day will we be half human half machine? If so will it benifit us in the future? We will have to wait and find out.
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This is extremely nice info!!! Especially since you guys are offering it for free!! Very good listing. Everything is true. Thanx.
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