Top HD Hubble Scope Pictures ~ Heros Info
Heros Info Heros Info: Top HD Hubble Scope Pictures

Top HD Hubble Scope Pictures

Resolution: 1483 x 1505 - 436k - jpg

NGC 4639, a spiral galaxy  78 million light-years away inside the Virgo cluster of galaxies.



Resolution: 3622 x 3445 - 2309k - jpg

An Optical and Infrared Composite of Kepler Supernova Remnant



Globular cluster Messier 30 vampires and collisions rejuvenate stars. 

When the vampires and collisions rejuvenate stars accured, scientists revealed evidence that both star clusters formed blue dence cores that are known as dieing stars. Old stars take 12-13 billion years to produced a critical dynamical event known as core collapse or super nova. When a core collapses it becomes so dence that it litrally breaks the fabric in space and time. This is how a black hole is formed.

Credit: NASA, ESA and Francesco Ferraro


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